The Pilot Method: The 5 Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life!
Paperback 2014. Signed Author Elizabeth McCormick
Take Your Bike!: Family Rides in the Finger Lakes and Genesee Valley Region
Paperback 1999. Rich Freeman Susan J. Freeman
Sharing the Memories - Schmirler Family, Team & Park
Paperback 2002. Anita Beckstead Pearl Bjerke Judy Redlick
A Doctor's Quest: The Struggle for Mother and Child Health Around the Globe
Paperback 2012. Signed Gretchen Roedde, Dr. John Evans
Our Grandmothers, Ourselves: Reflections of Canadian Women
Paperback 1999. Signed Gina Valle (editor)
George Davidson: Social Policy and Public Policy Exemplar
Hardcover 2003. Signed Richard B. Splane
Life & Death On Loxahatchee: The Story of Trapper Nelson
Paperback 2002. Signed James D. Snyder
Mary's World: Love, War, and Family Ties in Nineteenth-Century Charleston
Paperback 2000. Signed Richard N. Cote
Life's Lessons : A Successful Collection of Failures
Paperback 2008. Signed Ted Fearnley, Rick Fearnley
Gli Artigiani Ciociari: Documenti, Testimonianze, Proposte
Paperback 1988. Gruppo di Lavoro Il Ponte (editor)
Grace Unfailing: The Radical Mind and Beloved Community of Richard Roberts
Paperback 1998. Signed Gwen R. P. Norman